Unchained: A Journey 
to the Soul
from Head to Heart

Unchained is a soul-awakening account of one woman’s life after childhood trauma. It is a story of one woman choosing to let go of who she thought she was, so she could become who she was meant to be.

Tonya Whittle’s story reflects what happens to so many women when they pretend trauma didn’t happen: who they become, what they do, and how they create a vision of themselves for protection. But what happens when the life someone is running from collides with the life they’ve created?

Unchained shares Tonya’s own journey through the collapse of a life falsely created; exposing her wounds and forcing the truth. Tonya encourages other women to take off their own masks, face their truths, and do the inner work necessary to live life fully.

Unchained takes women on a journey to the soul, from head to heart, from fear to faith, from girls gone wild to wild soul women. For anyone who feels disconnected from life, who is just getting by, Tonya encourages them to let go of the things that have happened to them and thrive despite those traumas. In the face of #metoo and #timesup, her story serves as an instruction manual for how ancient wisdom, and the process of facing the past, lead to an amazing future―no matter what happened.

About The Author

Tonya Whittle writes from the soul on her blog, Tonya, Uncensored. She has been published in the Elephant Journal, among other online publications, and has been interviewed by VOCM, NTV, and CBC news stations, as well as a variety of podcasts and other media outlets. She was born and raised in Placentia, Newfoundland and currently resides in Holyrood, Newfoundland. She travels extensively and considers herself a global warrior, raising consciousness and helping women around the world unpack their own darkness.





“This book is an honest and raw account of one woman’s journey to finding her way back to herself.”

— Jennifer Trask



“I recommend this book to anyone who has the desire for change but has trouble seeing the path forward!”

— Jackie Snow



“I am grateful to have read this book. Down to earth, realness, rawness, that goes beyond any kind of ‘self help’ I’ve read.”

— Chantel



“Once I started this book I couldn’t put it down. Tonya takes you on a very personal journey of self discovery”

— Tracy Allen