A 21-day guided journey including journaling and coaching with Tonya Whittle, and rise higher.


Discover a 21-day guided journey to rise higher.
The image of the mythical phoenix – bursting into flame, burning to ash, and being reborn and rising from the ashes – guides this 21-day journaling and coaching experience helping you to overcome anything and become stronger as a result.

“A wild woman rising from the ashes like a phoenix, to become the heroine of her own legend.” - Skiboba

Rising From The Ashes

No matter what you want to rise from - limiting beliefs, disempowering stories, or traumatic experiences - you will be guided on letting go and rebuilding in this experience.

  • When you’re ready to rise, join us and receive:
    21 days of journal prompts;
  • Three guided journeys and ceremonies to awaken to the magic within you; and
  • Three live coaching calls (Zoom) for integration, interventions, and empowerment.

After your 21-day experience you can expect to feel more aligned, connected, alive, grounded, and ready for the future. You will feel empowered, in your power, and you will feel like the mythical creature you are.



Discover a 21-day guided journey to rise higher.


Holly Hayes

“When I started MFS I was doing a very public job that had me answering to everyone, feeling constant anxiety and exhaustion. I had been seeing a career coach, therapist and a life coach, nothing was getting better and I felt like everything home and work was drowning me. I signed up for MFS with the hope that I would get some tools to manage where I was. What happened was so much more, I realized I was worth so much more. I realized I had been holding shame and guilt and trying to get approval that I would never accomplish. I let it all go and am a different woman for it. My career and personal life is completely different, I've never been so productive or happy.”

Dawn Evans

“MFS gave me the tools to go into the hard stuff that life brings. It was hard to learn to deal with emotions I'd never let myself feel, but there was so much space and freedom and possibility on the other side of leaning into the pain. My life has been forever changed by the tools I gained and by the incredibly supportive, strong women I met inside that space. I am a different person completely from a year ago and it's beautiful.”